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Sumo Suits & Cash Box

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Inflatable sumo suits are novelty costumes designed to look like traditional sumo wrestler outfits. They are made from lightweight, inflatable materials and are worn like a large bodysuit. The suits are designed to be used for fun, usually for entertainment purposes, and are popular at parties, corporate events, and other social gatherings. Participants wear the suits and “wrestle” each other, usually in a playful and non-competitive manner.

On the other hand, an inflatable cash box is a product designed for promotional and advertising purposes. They are often used by businesses and organizations as a way to draw attention to their products or services. The inflatable cash box is designed to look like a large, oversized money box, and usually has the business’s logo or message printed on it. People are encouraged to enter the inflatable cash box and grab as much cash as they can within a specified time period. The cash used in the box is usually play money or fake currency.

In summary, inflatable sumo suits are used for entertainment and fun, while inflatable cash boxes are used for promotional and advertising purposes.